


  • 参加这个考试,经济上完全没有压力。LPIC全程下来大概要10万日元,这个在大学时代几乎不可能完成的任务。或者说我来日本就是为了结束连考个试都要跟家里要钱的怪现象。
  • 硬件上也没有压力,有太多的机器可以随时调动。
  • 考点很多,坐电车17分钟就到。
  • 收益大,只要是有计算机的地方就会受到认同



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另外发现一个地方卖kk2很便宜,甚至比某宝还便宜 http://hobbyshop-gamu.jp/SHOP/GMAFC14215.html 5000日圆不含运费



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机载计算机:毫无悬念的用raspberry pi,淘宝价240,买四个,让同学从国内捎回来,需要摄像头配件。

舵机控制器:这个比较关键,简单的说就是把计算机的串口信号转换为舵机能识别的pwm信号,pololu maetro 6通道即可,貌似国内没有卖的,日本雅虎也没有,但是可以通过网站直通订货,含运费要300多。题外话,应该试着多买几个,在雅虎上卖卖看。





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Ubuntu 12.04 xRDP finally working, too

Things went wrong when I attempted to log on ubuntu desktop with xrdp about 1 year ago, I gave up and use ssh instead, today I tried again, problem solved easily, here is the link:


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Considering quit current part time job in IT company

I started a part time job in IT company since last November. I thought it will increase my experence on Android programming, but they asigned me to work as a network engineer, while there is little work to do. After strugling more than half a year, I felt tired of do nothing, by the way, we just go to the company for meeting on Tuesday, on other days they just sit in home and programming, while I have nothing to do. I think it is my problem for feeling have nothing to do, beacuse I rarely can, 6 years ago I came to Japan to learn more, but now I cant tell you what I learnt, I still counldnt even write hello world wihtout googleing, or set up network in Ubuntu by command line.

Another reason that I want to quit this job is, this is my 2nd year of PhD course, I am supposed to graduate on September 2015, but now I am still working on my Janal paper, which takes more than 6 months for reviewing and publish. I have to concetrate to my research, and, I felt pressure becasue other students making progress significanly.

There is accutely one more reason: I found new way to make living, selling old PCs on auction site, it is not that much, but more effitient than working in McD, and of course, lots of fun, I feel good when these Junk PCs go back to work instead pay someone to take them apart.

A lot of things I planed before I came to Japan, some of them dreams come true, but most of them are yet to be done, while time as a student is getting less and less, I must hurry. In April we had a big party for new face of lab, and the Assoc.Prof said he was not able to program when he entered graduate school, and now he has a PhD and serval paper published on IEEE trans, I would like to know that on my day of coming to this lab 3 years ago, but it is never too late, I believe.

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Infor about tc in ubuntu

This is just a memo of my own research, please skip this log if you a not intersted in network.


by the way, this article was found in wordpress.com, I readly should use title as http address.

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How to sell old book in Japan with BookOff ?

If you are a foreign student in Japan, just like me, you must have a lot of book to throw away when you move of go back to home country. Although we can sell them on Amazon.co.jp, but :

  • It takes a lot of time
  • Over 20% of profit will be taken by amazon
  • You cant sell them in one package

There happen to be a old book dealer called BookOff in Japan, who can help us out in better way.

First you need to log on to bookoff.co.jp

Screenshot 13:07:18 14:49

 You need only 4 steps: Put books into the box, apply for package collecting, hand out the package,  receive the money.

There are simple rules for selling your books to bookoff. You need to sell at least 20 books a time, or 3 CDs. After you made the application, postman will come the the address to collect the box for free, then bookoff will send you results,you made the confirmation and transaction is done. Bookoff saves us time to go to its stores, although you get less than selling books on amazon by your own.  For those books might worth less than a YEN, bookoff will send you confirmation for recycle, if you disagree you can get these books back, but I never did, who wants these books anyway?

Beware that that they are offering free box :

Screenshot 13:07:18 15:00

Because you need application number for empty boxes, and sometimes you will never able to send books without them, so you need to make the application little earlier, maybe 3 days.

Here is an example of my books to bookoff


 I sold 30 SLAM DUNK comics for 2700 YEN, 1 novel was labeled worthless, and I agree. Other than book, wan also sell games to bookoff too. Hope this will help you have a better time in Japan.

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松下GM,索尼 HDR-CX535 研究有感







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