I need a new speed light, SB-600 maybe

Yesterday I went to ISDAK Dance Party to take pictures since I am a photographer of RA team. Last time I used Nikon SB-26 D7000 combination and found focusing is a little slow than I expected, also because SB-26 doesn’t work on TTL mode with D7000, so I sold it on yahoo auction(8000 yen).

I thought with build-in speed light at least I can went through last night, but I was wrong. First there is no bounce function so every picture with speed light is unnatural, secondly because  Nikon 17-55mm F2.8 has a huge head, which blocks assistance focusing light, so it was very difficult to focusing in dark.It was so embarrassing that someone wave hand  or make pose for you to shoot and you push down shutter button but it doesn’t  release , I lost at lease 10 nice scenes. Then I just recalled that SB-26 has a red window with light in it, it might helps for focusing in dark environment.

So, I need a speed light with i-TTL works with D7000. Because I sold my Nikon F5, although I have a Nikon F80s, but who shoots with film in dark with speed light in 21st century 🙂 .  Anyway, it doesn’t matter if it support old film body, so SB-600 is good, SB-700 or other later model are also fine for this job.

I start selling my old film gears for DX 17-55 F2.8 last month, and picture quality changed dramatically since that. It is expensive but worthy. FX equipment are too expensive, and since I took pictures only for facebook uploading, DX is good enough, but accessories such as speed light and remote control are defiantly needed.

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站长,男,山东人。曾东京就读于某国立通信类大学,无线网络协议方向博士课程。 兴趣爱好广泛,对电子机械和照相机尤甚,喜欢自己冲洗彩色胶卷,受条件所限,器材工具等相对简陋。从幼年开始一直喜欢制造各种工具,现正整理用简易工具制造车床的资料。 对事物喜欢刨根问底,属于中学教师不喜欢的学生类型。 偶尔出没于健身房,但从不进行球类运动。 驻地位于东京都江东地区,从2013年春季开始担任大学国际宿舍导员,与一桥大学、东京学艺大学、东京农工大学的各国留学生一同生活。 2016年起就职于某500强企业。
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