How to sell old book in Japan with BookOff ?

If you are a foreign student in Japan, just like me, you must have a lot of book to throw away when you move of go back to home country. Although we can sell them on, but :

  • It takes a lot of time
  • Over 20% of profit will be taken by amazon
  • You cant sell them in one package

There happen to be a old book dealer called BookOff in Japan, who can help us out in better way.

First you need to log on to

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 You need only 4 steps: Put books into the box, apply for package collecting, hand out the package,  receive the money.

There are simple rules for selling your books to bookoff. You need to sell at least 20 books a time, or 3 CDs. After you made the application, postman will come the the address to collect the box for free, then bookoff will send you results,you made the confirmation and transaction is done. Bookoff saves us time to go to its stores, although you get less than selling books on amazon by your own.  For those books might worth less than a YEN, bookoff will send you confirmation for recycle, if you disagree you can get these books back, but I never did, who wants these books anyway?

Beware that that they are offering free box :

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Because you need application number for empty boxes, and sometimes you will never able to send books without them, so you need to make the application little earlier, maybe 3 days.

Here is an example of my books to bookoff


 I sold 30 SLAM DUNK comics for 2700 YEN, 1 novel was labeled worthless, and I agree. Other than book, wan also sell games to bookoff too. Hope this will help you have a better time in Japan.


站长,男,山东人。曾东京就读于某国立通信类大学,无线网络协议方向博士课程。 兴趣爱好广泛,对电子机械和照相机尤甚,喜欢自己冲洗彩色胶卷,受条件所限,器材工具等相对简陋。从幼年开始一直喜欢制造各种工具,现正整理用简易工具制造车床的资料。 对事物喜欢刨根问底,属于中学教师不喜欢的学生类型。 偶尔出没于健身房,但从不进行球类运动。 驻地位于东京都江东地区,从2013年春季开始担任大学国际宿舍导员,与一桥大学、东京学艺大学、东京农工大学的各国留学生一同生活。 2016年起就职于某500强企业。
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