Considering quit current part time job in IT company

I started a part time job in IT company since last November. I thought it will increase my experence on Android programming, but they asigned me to work as a network engineer, while there is little work to do. After strugling more than half a year, I felt tired of do nothing, by the way, we just go to the company for meeting on Tuesday, on other days they just sit in home and programming, while I have nothing to do. I think it is my problem for feeling have nothing to do, beacuse I rarely can, 6 years ago I came to Japan to learn more, but now I cant tell you what I learnt, I still counldnt even write hello world wihtout googleing, or set up network in Ubuntu by command line.

Another reason that I want to quit this job is, this is my 2nd year of PhD course, I am supposed to graduate on September 2015, but now I am still working on my Janal paper, which takes more than 6 months for reviewing and publish. I have to concetrate to my research, and, I felt pressure becasue other students making progress significanly.

There is accutely one more reason: I found new way to make living, selling old PCs on auction site, it is not that much, but more effitient than working in McD, and of course, lots of fun, I feel good when these Junk PCs go back to work instead pay someone to take them apart.

A lot of things I planed before I came to Japan, some of them dreams come true, but most of them are yet to be done, while time as a student is getting less and less, I must hurry. In April we had a big party for new face of lab, and the Assoc.Prof said he was not able to program when he entered graduate school, and now he has a PhD and serval paper published on IEEE trans, I would like to know that on my day of coming to this lab 3 years ago, but it is never too late, I believe.


站长,男,山东人。曾东京就读于某国立通信类大学,无线网络协议方向博士课程。 兴趣爱好广泛,对电子机械和照相机尤甚,喜欢自己冲洗彩色胶卷,受条件所限,器材工具等相对简陋。从幼年开始一直喜欢制造各种工具,现正整理用简易工具制造车床的资料。 对事物喜欢刨根问底,属于中学教师不喜欢的学生类型。 偶尔出没于健身房,但从不进行球类运动。 驻地位于东京都江东地区,从2013年春季开始担任大学国际宿舍导员,与一桥大学、东京学艺大学、东京农工大学的各国留学生一同生活。 2016年起就职于某500强企业。
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